Student Organization - Social/Recreational, Special Interests and Hobbies, Community Service, Social Justice Activism
Website Mission
Mission "Cerritos College Environmental Club The Environmental Club works to bring awareness to students and faculty on proposals to make Cerritos College more sustainable and environmentally conscious. As being a member you will gain volunteering experience in local environmental organizations around Cerritos and LA county area and also network with other leading environmental activists. In addition, gain more knowledge of how your particular major can assist in the Environmental Movement and how environmental changes affect our society as a whole not only environmentally but also impacts social issues like socioeconomic inequality. Our mission is to teach our members about environmental events going on as well as actions that they can take to lessen their environmental impact. We will also be pushing the campus to adopt a comprehensive climate action plan for the school. "" https://discord.gg/MCtGQZxy https://www.instagram.com/enviroclubcerritoscollege/?hl=en Sara Rosenbolt vgrosenbolt@aol.com"
Membership Benefits
Environmental Club has a total of 30 points.
Lifetime membership